about : fansite . honestly . series . site . links . clear

   The story of how I came to web design involves VC Andrews in a big way. I had been a fan of her novels since 4th grade, having seen the 1987 film Flowers in the Attic, and having read the Dollanganger series. I found more of her works at the local library, and finished them quickly. When the library didn't have the novels I was looking for, I began to buy them. Currently I own every family series novel through the Hudson series, which is when I stopped reading them.

   I stopped reading because the writing and spirit of VC Andrews faded. A ghostwriter had been writing the novels in her name since the Cutler series, and I had loved the books until the Hudson series. I tried reading the series after, but couldn't keep going.

   My first website was devoted to VC Andrews. My passion for her writing and the families she wrote about inspired me to create scrapbooks for her. Then I saw fansites devoted to her work as well and realized it was a digital scrapbook (at the time, it seemed to describe it pretty well). So I decided I would do this too. Over the years I have learned a lot and have grown in my design skills.

   In this section, you can read a bit more about what this site is, as well as find links to other places, learn a bit about my opinions, and find out more about VC Andrews.