blog archives 2018

January 11, 2018

2018 ... Here We Are

Well we have entered a new year, and hopefully it will be a good one. I am still fanlisting my little heart out. I simply adore the excuse of creating new layouts for topics I adore. My count has jumped up to 415 and total member count of 1430. My fanlistings are still running small member counts, but that is not my focus. I choose topics that are not taken (really popular ones have long since been taken) and that I truly love. Since I love many shows, movies, books, characters, etc. I have many fanlistings. And although these are dear to me, they may not be dear to most. And again, this is not my focus, but rather the love of the topic itself...

And wow... the last time I posted anything here was almost a year ago! Time flies! And a lot has changed for me personally. But not the fanlisting. I still looooove that to bits. So I will continue on... Came back to it in August 2015 and still going strong!

So Hello 2018, glad to meet you and all you will give me this year!

♥ kristina @ 2:12 pm

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