roland sought the tower, and he found his way home
the characters

Roland Deschain

Roland Deschain is the last gunslinger who has been fighting for one thing: The Dark Tower. His quest is to find it, to make it right again, to save the world from sure chaos and death...

The Man in Black
The Man in Black (Walter) is in league with Farson. He is pursued by Roland in the beginning of the story...

Marten is an enchanter who had an affair with Roland's mother, and was working against The Affiliation.

Jake Chambers

Jake Chambers becomes a part of Roland's ka-tet. He first meets Roland at a way station after having been pushed into another world, having died in his...

Eddie Dean

Eddie Dean is "drawn" out of his when and must battle his addiction, Roland, and himself, in order to free himself of the prison the drugs made for him...

Susannah Dean

Susannah Dean starts out as two women, then she is "drawn" by Roland and Eddie to join their ka-tet. She fights hard against them, and the two inside her, and finally emerges as a new woman, but soon, she will have to face this same fight again...

Susan Delgado

Susan Delgado is a young woman living in a town where Roland and his two friends are sent when they are boys. She and Roland fall in love, she helps him in his fight against Farson. She dies as a traitor, she is burned at the stake, while pregnant with Roland's child. Roland couldn't save her...

Cuthbert Allgood

Cuthbert Allgood is a childhood friend of Roland's, and a fellow gunslinger. They are sent away to Hambry so they would be out of danger. Cuthbert is good with a slingshot, and he, along with Roland and Alain defeat a plot by their enemies.

Alain Johns

Alain Johns is a childhood friend of Roland's, and a fellow gunslinger. He is sent with Roland and Cuthbert to be away from danger. And he has the gift of the touch, and can sense what is to come.

Blaine the Mono

Blaine the Mono is a pain... He is a computerized monorail running between Lud and Topeka. Roland, Jake, Eddie, and Susannah must ride it across the wastelands... But Blaine is on a suicide mission, and plans on taking them with him, unless they stump him with a riddle...